Thursday, May 31, 2007

What Are The Best Ways To Enhance Breasts Naturally?

Women who are searching for ways to enhance breasts need look no further than the Internet. There are a wealth of products and techniques available on the market which can help women increase the size and firmness of their busts. Many women do choose surgical augmentation as a way of making up for what Nature left out, but cosmetic breast enhancement surgery is an expensive, painful, and risky procedure.

Breast implants only have a lifespan of about ten years, so women who receive implants can expect to have at least one if not multiple follow-up surgeries in later years. Surgery usually results in scars, a long recovery period, and weeks or months of residual pain.

If you want to know how to enhance breasts without resorting to surgery, know that most natural enhancement products contain the same basic ingredients. Breast-increasing products typically are oral supplements with either estrogen or progesterone as the active ingredient. One of the main ways to enhance breasts is to simulate the hormonal processes that young women undergo when they reach adolescence. During puberty, the pituitary gland secretes human growth hormone and the ovaries start producing estrogen, both of which are responsible for the start of breast growth. While genetics and overall body fat are a factor in how large breasts become, chemical processes in the body are the main determiners of breast size.

Some women have discovered that one of the ways to enhance breasts is to take estrogen-based birth control pills or nurse a baby, but these effects do not last. Estrogen-based natural enhancement supplements with multiple herb combinations can yield better results. If you want to know how to enhance breasts naturally, you must know that only estrogen and progesterone-based products give permanent results.

There are also herbs in many breast augmentation products that have been used to increase chest size for centuries. It is said that women in harems of the Middle East knew ways to enhance breasts: they washed their breasts in fenugreek-infused water and ate roasted the seeds of the plant. Fenugreek and fennel have similar breast-enhancing properties and are usually included in these products. Wild yam, used widely for many different women-related ailments, has breast-increasing virtues. Finally Dong Quai and saw palmetto are often key ingredients in natural augmentation products.

Another answer to the question of how to enhance breasts is massage. There are several massage techniques that can tone and increase breasts. Women who want to try self-massage should be careful to use a lubricant, apply steady pressure, and know that the wrong technique can actually cause damage. However, there are many sources in print and on the internet which can give good breast massage techniques.

Massage technicians also offer other ways to enhance breasts because some technicians are trained in breast massage. They can perform techniques such as the breast lift, which can help with the size and overall health of the breasts. Obviously since breasts are a sensual part of the body, many massage therapists are unwilling or legally unable to perform a breast massage; however, there are some massage technicians who can perform breast massage.

With natural herbal supplements and gentle massage techniques available as ways to enhance breasts, why bother with the pain and expense of surgery? Skip the scars and the recovery time and try a natural breast augmentation product today!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Resisting Media Hype

Who would have thought that there would come a day when my mother and me would meet as two strong, healthy, and brilliant women; delighting in each other's company and challenging and supporting each other in the quest to make our individual and collective dreams come true?

Certainly not me. There was a time (not so long ago) that I was in the throes of a life threatening eating disorder- a time when the chasm between mother and daughter seemed insurmountable. She wanted desperately to help but didn't know how. I needed help but didn't have a clue about how to ask for it.

Fast-forward fifteen years to the present. Today I am a successful psychotherapist who empowers women who feel stuck to rid themselves of the chains that bind them into self-destructive behavior patterns- mostly in the form of eating disorders. At the age of 36, I am in awe of the life I have now and am blown away by how far I've come on my journey to health and well being. Free of an eating disorder which once consumed me for many of my young years, the hell that used to be my life way back when, seems now like a distant memory. Now I help others who are where I used to be…I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined the life I have now back then…

It's a sunny, muggy Ontario spring morning as I step into the airporter bus from my mother's driveway, choking back tears. I have just spent the past five days with a woman I find increasingly wise and fascinating, who also happened to give me the gift of life.

We have both come so far and enjoy celebrating our successes as women. It seems fitting to me that I have just spent such a pleasant and healing time with my mother directly after attending a conference in Toronto put on by NEDIC (National Eating Disorder Information Centre). The conference title was, "Shades of Grey: Body Image and Self-Esteem" and was the first of its kind in Canada.

While the topic of disordered eating is vast, I will limit myself to one facet for the purposes of this article. I plan on elaborating on many others in future so stay tuned...

One issue that always pops up in my therapy work with clients experiencing disordered eating is how the media makes them feel bad about themselves by projecting an ideal beauty standard that is impossible for us to attain. To help women increase feelings of self-worth, I encourage clients to become 'media savvy', so that they can become critical of the messages they are being sent which are aimed to sell products, not to help women feel good about themselves.

On this note, I will highlight one of the keynote presentations from the NEDIC conference entitled, "Re-shaping Reality: Media Impact on Body Image and Self-Esteem" by Shari Graydon. Shari was the President of Mediawatch for many years; an invaluable resource which empowers Canadian citizens to speak up and out against harmful advertising. She has written two fabulous books in this vain, which I urge you to check out on her website:

Here is a summary of the presentation she gave at the conference:

1. Media messages don't cause eating disorders (or we'd all be suffering), but they fuel insecurities and nurture vulnerable mindsets.

2. It's natural to want to be attractive, but despite the impression created by commercial media, there's no single definition of beauty.

3. The beauty industry wants us to feel lousy about the way we look; they benefit when we believe we're in need of a makeover or constant improvement.

4. The emphasis on thin ideals for women, and muscular physiques for men reflects fundamental power issues, reinforcing on a subtle level the notion that women should take up as little space as possible.

5. The media ideals we're surrounded by are physically unattainable; they've been so significantly art directed and Photo-shopped that not even the models featured can achieve the degree of perfection represented.

6. Suffering is optional. We can choose not to buy into appearance myths; instead of doing battle with our own bodies, we can fight destructive media practices.

7. The less time we spend immersed in commercial media, the less exposure we have to messages designed to undermine us, and the less likely we are to consciously or unconsciously judge ourselves inadequate for failing to measure up to unattainable ideals.

8. We have the power to decline to consume products that in any way promote irresponsible attitudes and behavior, to encourage our friends and colleagues and communities to do the same. We can make media producers responsible for the toxic material they are disseminating through the power of complaint; we can communicate our decisions not to embrace media, products and services that do physical, psychological, emotional or environmental damage.

9. We can cultivate the assets that really count: focus on what we can do and how we can contribute, as opposed to how we appear.

To start letting go of the power the media has over how you feel about yourself, I'll leave you with five things you can do to take your power back and increase feelings of self-worth:

1. Stop buying fashion and beauty magazines and instead, buy reading material that makes you feel good instead. For instance, I buy spiritually enlightening and socially conscious magazines.

2. Find alternative media that celebrates women instead of demoralizes them. Some magazines I particularly like are BUST and Herizons.

3. Watch less television and Hollywood movies! These mediums of 'entertainment' glorify a very narrow definition of female beauty and success and promote low self-worth to their viewers. Instead, find a relatively obscure foreign film or a low-budget documentary that focuses on who we are inside; not what we look like on the outside.

4. Make one day out of the week a "no make-up day". C'mon- rebel a little against the fascist beauty ideal you're expected to live up to. Bask in the delightfulness of a nude face!

5. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful, confident, and sexy; regardless of whether it follows current fashion dictates. Enjoy being a fully alive, healthy woman in whatever shape and size you happen to come in.

And if all else fails, say this mantra that I learned at the conference over and over again:


Friday, May 25, 2007

Backcountry 4-Wheel Drive Trail - The Devil's Highway

El Camino del Diablo, translated the Road of the Devil, is one of the longest and most remote 4-wheel adventures in Arizona. Escape all the holiday stress on this trail's fun off-road obstacles, centuries of history, and spectacular desert scenery. Popularly called The Devil's Highway, this trail requires a minimum of two days to travel, more if you plan to explore other good trails nearby.

First used by Indians and as early as the 1500s by Spanish missionaries, this route got its well-deserved reputation as the most deadly of immigrant roads during the California Gold Rush of 1849. Gold-seekers crossing the Sonoran Deserts lost their way when shifting sand obliterated the trail. Travelers died of thirst and heat exposure. The exact numbers of deaths along this trail are unknown. Anywhere from 400 to 2,000 might be buried in unmarked graves along the road, it is commonly believed. Approximately 50 known graves exist near the road, but only a handful have markers.

More recently the trail became known as "The Smugglers Trail" when liquor smugglers used this route during the prohibition days. In 1853-54, surveyors formalizing the Mexico and American border populated the area. Gold rushers flooded the route again in the1860s. Traffic diminished when the railroad reached Yuma in 1870.

The trail today begins in the town of Wellton, off Interstate 8, 25 miles east of Yuma. Top off your gas tank before leaving town. Three distinct sections of the road travel through the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range, the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, and the Organ Pipe National Monument. The journey ends in Ajo, one a bustling copper mining town.

Leaving Wellton, the trail is an easygoing, wide, graded road through most of the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range. Currently this 2 million acre range is public land leased to the military. In 1941, the Air Force trained World War II fighter pilots in air-to-air and air-to-ground exercises. Training of Air Force pilots and Marines continues on the range today. Some sections through the range can twist and turn and be brushy for wider vehicles.

After 31 miles, the route enters Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge. Here are some of the most difficult, scenic, and interesting sections of the route. Sharp eyes will spot a huge array of wildlife here as well. This section is a narrow single track winding through the Cabeza Prieta Mountains. Brushy sections make scratches likely. Lower tire pressure is necessary through deep sand and you will chew through fuel in these spots. A few rocky sections also make going rough. Photo-ops are endless through the trail within the refuge. The light-colored granite mountains, winding trail, saguaros and ocotillos with their brilliant flags of flowers color the landscape.

The 5-mile crossing of the Pinacate Lava Flow is the roughest section of the trail. This black cinder-covered landscape is not difficult to negotiate. It is extremely bumpy and slow going. Pinta Sands are the soft sand dunes that surround the lava flow. Las Playas (the beaches), to the east of Pinta Sands, is an area of deep, fine sand. In wet weather this area is impassable. This part is also the brushiest of the whole trail. Light scratches are inevitable for all vehicles.

The final section of the trail crosses the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. There is an old homestead at Bates Well. The old buildings, cabins, and corrals are fun to explore. Past this point, the road is roughly graded and suitable for 2WD vehicles. The National Monument protects the Organ Pipe Cactus, the second largest cactus in the United States.

Traveling the Devil's Highway, or El Camino del Diablo Trail, requires advanced preparation. This unforgettable trip is easy to plan and navigate on the trail using the useful Backcountry Adventures: Arizona guidebook. Permits are required to drive sections of this road. The guide's trail description provides the contact agencies and permit information to get you quickly on your way. It also addresses other special considerations resulting from the remoteness of this trail. For instance, traveling in a group is an advantage. Vehicles can share water, food, gas, and other supplies. Groups are also less likely approached by illegal border crossers.

This information and much more is available in Adler Publishing's Backcountry Adventures series of guidebooks.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Camping With Kids

I like to hunt fish and hike and all that involves camping and I have been doing it most of my life and now that I am er ah fifty..ish. I just love it even more and over the years I have learned a great deal about living outside, I m not an expert or anything like that. Let's just say I've been there, done that and have the tee shirt to prove it. Often times my son and I will take out my ten year old grandson and some of his friends. Now you got to keep a pack of ten year old boys pretty busy around a camp especially after the hike because during the hike they're normally in awe of their surroundings and stay pretty focused, you know looking for Snakes and big hairy Bears and such, even had one of the boys spot a grizzly from afar even though there are no Grizzly bears here in North Carolina. They do have vivid imaginations don't they.

They ask an awful lot of questions too, my Grandson asked me on one trip; "Poppa what if we can't find any water we could die of thirst!" I said; "well Sprout" that's what I call him. "We can just make our own water" he looked at me kinda funny then laughed and said "Poppa people can't make water only God and Indians can do that, you're so silly" I said; "Ok I'll betcha my Ring Ding desert for your Moon Pie we'll have at least a half a canteen full by morning" and we sealed the deal with a handshake and a smile.

Next we rounded up as many sandwich plastic bags as we could find about fourteen in all. We took the bags Duc tape and some small rocks and went into the tree line where I quickly found a grove of Fir trees We put one small rock in each bag then started to place each bag over a small bug free bushy tip of the tree's branches then sealed each bag as tight possible and securing them completely closed with a small bit of tape. Kept us busy for about two hours, when we were done we went back to camp and cooked up a great dinner then told scary stories by the fire. Yep that never gets old and keeps the youngsters and me from wandering off in the dark.

After camp chores the next morning we went back to check our water factory. The first thing my grandson said as we approached the trees adorned with their glistening clear bags was; "Gosh Poppa they look like Christmas tree's" I said; "they sure do and they gave us the gift of pure drinkable water."

Sure enough we began to gently remove the bags from the branches and pure the precious water into a 32 ounce Nalgene bottle all total we had 12 bags, one had fallen off and a critter got the other. But we managed to fill up a little over 14 ounces. My boy was very impressed with his old Grandfather, I explained that while we slept the heat of the day was trapped in the bags and the chill of the morning caused condensation to form on the vegetation thus producing about an ounce or more from each bag. The more vegetation you cram in the bag the more water you get.

We cleaned up and when back to camp where for breakfast I had a Moon Pie washed down with a cool cup of my new water, had just a hint of a pine flavor and Sprout thought I was the best thing since the invention of Moon Pies. Life is good.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Lose Weight But Slowly

Life isn't that simple after pregnancy, when your body is still recovering and your hands full, taking care of the baby, adjusting to the new arrival, your own needs often take a back seat. New mothers often find it hard to lose weight after pregnancy. Though the experience of having a baby, enduring the pain and feeling the baby grow during the nine months of pregnancy is wonderful for the mother, however, at the same time it also leads to the putting on of those extra kilos. It's frustrating to realize that you have grown out of your favorite jeans and that you no longer fit into that old top. It's quite obvious that you would want to regain your pre-pregnancy shape. However! Being impatient will not help, you need to lose weight but slowly, pushing too hard can rebound on you .Therefore," Take it Easy!" and lose weight, but slowly.

Do Not Think Of Losing Weight Instantly Like Celebrity Moms

Of course! You cannot compare yourself with those celebrity moms, who get into shape immediately after giving birth, and you cannot ignore the fact that they are always surrounded by fitness experts, dietitians and nurses who take care of them. Most importantly, it's also due to their commercial commitments, therefore weight loss for them is done much faster as compared to others. Thus, one should not follow their example as a model for losing weight after pregnancy.

Recover Your Body by Giving It Time and Focus on Eating Healthy

For the first three months after pregnancy, you should focus on eating healthy and nutritious food and concentrate on recovering your body's energy rather than thinking of weight loss. It requires all your energy to take care of the newborn, often getting up at night for feeds. The entire process of pregnancy and the physical trauma of giving birth leave your body exhausted and stressed. It takes up to 6 months after pregnancy for your body to return to its normal shape. Therefore, it is important that even if you are not breast-feeding your baby, you need not worry about losing weight during this period.

Don't Force Yourself, Exercise When You Can

Pushing yourself too hard and exercising too much, too soon after pregnancy, would only affect your health; however, this does not imply that you should lead a sedentary lifestyle. What is more important is to take small steps, meaning that you can start with gentle exercise, once you return home. Always consult your Doctor before starting any vigorous exercise, rather they should be best avoided till your first post-pregnancy checkup is okayed by your doctor. This includes your diet chart as well. Your doctor will be able to inform you about the various benefits of exercising and doing it slowly, and chalk out a systematic plan for you. You can continue to breastfeed your baby once you start exercising.

Feeding Your Baby

A nursing mother on an average produces 850ml of breast milk each day, for which she requires a nutritious diet. Therefore, make sure you follow your doctor's advice about nutrition, as it is very important after pregnancy to eat healthy food.

When to Start Weight Reduction?

You can start on a healthy, fat-free diet along with vigorous exercise only after 2-3 months after pregnancy, once your period has returned to normal and you no longer feel weak. However, aiming for fast weight loss is not the solution, just aim at losing 1 pound per week, eat nutritious food and consult your doctor.

Regaining Your Shape

Regaining your shape after pregnancy would depend on how much weight you gained during pregnancy. Although the average weight gain is around 25-35 pounds, mothers generally lose 12-14 pounds during birth, thus leaving a remainder of about 12-21 pounds of weight to be taken care of. Even after 3 months of recovery after pregnancy, one can easily shed these extra pounds within 6-8 months. However, if you gained more than 35 pounds all you need to do is to give an extra month of diet control and exercising for each additional 6 pounds gained. If you gained 47 pounds, you will take approximately 10 months to lose weight and return to your original weight. However, these are just examples to help you in having a more simple and scientific approach towards weight loss. Thus, it is not difficult to reduce weight after pregnancy; all you need is little patience and a set routine of exercising and eating a healthy diet.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Slide In Camper - Top 6 Benefits Of Owning One

Anyone shopping for recreational vehicles will soon find there are almost as many choices as there are people to choose them. When hauling is the desired route and a truck is at hand, slide in campers can be a great way to go.

Slide in campers offer a number of benefits over other forms of camping vehicles. They include:

* Pricing. Most slide in campers tend to be more affordable than drivable campers, such as full RVs. They are considered middle of the road, typically, making them affordable for many. Since they can readily be found on both the used and new markets, pricing buys are generally available.

* Protection. These campers tend to have windows and solid walls. Due to this fact, many consider these designs to be a step up from both a tent, of course, and a pop up camper. The fully enclosed design offers protection from the elements, bugs and other pests that might try to crash in on a camping trip. This can be a great feature for families that have concerns about camping and small children. Since the camper itself is fully enclosed, there should be no worries about children getting out at night or critters getting in.

* Ease of use. These campers are generally fairly easy for anyone with a pick up truck to use. Sliding in to the bed, thus the name, these campers are fully ready to go once they are hooked up. The design options might require some extra steps for full set up, but generally these are fairly minor.

* Options. Slide in campers tend to come with a whole lot of options. They can mirror full size RVs in having kitchens, dining areas, bathrooms and plenty of sleeping space. They can also be much smaller creations that only offer the most basic of creature comforts. The range of options makes these a solid choice for those who want full protection without a lot of thrills. It also works in these campers' favor for buyers who might be looking to take the benefits of home with them on the road.

* Storage. Unless these are fully flush with the back of a bed, these campers are fairly easy to unhook and store. This also makes them a great choice for those who want to unhook and go while they're on vacation. The campers can stay behind while sightseeing, dining and more is enjoyed with only the truck involved. This flexibility makes them the choice of many.

* Capacity. Even on their smaller end, these types of campers tend to offer a fair amount of sleeping space. Using intelligent designs for maximum use and storage potential, slide in campers tend to pack a lot into a little.

Anyone on the market for slide in campers will likely find there are plenty of choices available. The key in finding the best to meet individual needs involves setting a budget and creating a list of desired features.

When more protection from the elements is desired than a tent or pop up camper can provide, slide in campers make great choices. A step up from both, these designs can be as basic or upscale as a shopper might desire.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Natural and Alternative Health Remedies for Anemia & Iron Poor Blood

Anemia or iron poor blood is a condition where there aren't enough healthy red blood cells in the body to carry sufficient amounts of oxygen to the tissues. Each of our red blood cells contains hemoglobin, an iron rich protein that gives it its red color. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.

If you loose too many red blood cells, destroy them before they are replaced or produce cells that are unhealthy, you can end up experiencing symptoms of anemia. Symptoms can include fatigue, chest pain, angina, shortness of breath, irritability, dizziness, light headedness, rapid heartbeat, numbness or coldness in extremities, headaches or pale skin.

Anemia can result from inherited disorders, nutritional problems (such as iron or vitamin deficiency) infections, some kinds of cancer, exposure to drugs or toxins. In fact there are over 400 different forms of anemia; however, in this article we will focus on the most common forms, iron deficiency anemia, B12 deficiency and folate deficiency.

Iron Deficiency Anemia - Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the amount of iron in the body is too low, thus affecting hemoglobin production. It is most often found where there is ongoing blood loss, such as in women with heavy menstrual periods, as well as in individuals who suffer from conditions such as bleeding ulcers, gastroenteritis, hemorrhoids, colon polyps or colon cancer. Other causes can include issues with absorption, where the body is unable to absorb iron from the foods we eat, or eating a diet low in iron.

In addition to iron, the body needs vitamin B12 and folic acid to produce healthy red blood cells. A diet lacking in these nutrients are prone to anemia as well.

B12 Anemia - There are a few reasons why someone may suffer from B12 anemia. They include the inability of the body to absorb vitamin B12, such as those with intestinal disorders which affect absorption of nutrients. The individual may also suffer from Pernicious Anemia where the body stops producing a substance called "intrinsic factor", which is needed to absorb B12 from the diet. Another cause many of us have heard of is a vegetarian diet which excludes eggs, dairy products, meat and fish – all of which are sources of vitamin B12.

Folate Deficiency - Similar in cause to B12 Anemia is folate deficiency. Folate, or folic acid is found in foods such as leafy green vegetables. Over the years, cases of folate deficiency in the US have declined, since many of the grain product and cereals we eat are fortified with folic acid. During pregnancy, however, increased levels of folic acid are necessary to prevent defects of the brain and spiral cord of the fetus.

Thankfully, there are a number of natural and alternative health remedies you can try to help restore health, healing and wholeness in your life.

Recommendations For Wellness

In addressing anemia it is important to know its cause, so talk to your doctor and ask him/her to run a blood test to evaluate your health and help you to determine what type of anemia you may have.

Excessive iron can be toxic to the body, so do not take iron supplements without first talking to your health care provider.

Eat a well balanced diet which includes a variety of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Avoid drinking coffee, tea, beer or cola drinks with your meals. They can significantly lower iron absorption. Instead, drink citrus juices or supplement with vitamin C. Vitamin C has been show to help support the body's ability to absorb iron.

Take a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement to support any nutritional deficiencies that may be found in the body.

Herbs such as dong quai, dandelion, barley greens and alfalfa are all great sources of vitamins and minerals.

The herb yellow dock is a natural and organic source of iron as is blackstrap molasses.

Panax ginseng can be used to help counteract the fatigue experience by those who suffer from anemia.

If your anemia is associated with a B12 deficiency or folic acid deficiency, supplement with a complex B vitamin. Folic acid needs the catalysts vitamins B12 and B6 to carry out its functions effectively.

© Copyright Body, Mind & SoulHealer – 2007. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Great Colorado Springs Outdoors!

If you don't already know, I live in Colorado Springs, CO. It's a great place to live. There are great parks, good schools, usually a good climate, although this winter wouldn't have been your best example and lots of opportunities for outdoor recreation. We're a pretty good sized city, but with a fifteen minute drive from just about anywhere in town you can lose yourself in nature. Whether you're going to one of our nationally renown areas like Garden of the Gods, or just a drive into national or state parkland, it doesn't take long to get there.

So, this past weekend, with the weather finally reflecting what it normally does, my family; that being myself, my wife, our six year old daughter and my one year old son loaded up our gas guzzling SUV to take a drive and have a picnic on some of this vast public land. This time we decided to go a little further, so it took us considerably longer, about 25 minutes of total drive time before we reached the end of paved roads and our temporary escape from civilization.

What a beautiful day. It was clear skies and warm. There's been just enough moisture that the trees were green and the flowers were blooming. The road was just rough enough to flex the suspension on our vehicle and bounce the kids around like a roller coaster. So we drive into the woods for about forty-five minutes until we rarely see anyone aside from the occasional motorcycle and well pull down a side road to what looks like a very nice camp site. This will be a great place to get out, have some lunch and let the kids run around.

Within two minutes of unloading everyone and our chairs and cooler I hear something off in the distance. Not distant enough I have to say. It's some yahoos shooting their guns. I do live in Colorado, the wild west you know. So, I'm pretty open to the idea of guns. I even had my own with me. The problem is that I'm sure we were in an area that was clearly not designated for hunting or shooting.

So, as I'm trying to shrug off the gunfire, I start to look around the ground. At this point my one year old is off and running. And although he's pretty good, he does face plant quite a bit. Anyhow. There's broken glass all over the ground. Not just one accidental and they missed a few pieces. There's multiple bottles worth. Hoping to find some ground space that's reasonably child friendly I walk over to the other side of the site. There I only find composite roofing shingles. I suppose he can't cut himself on those. I am wondering what they're doing there.

All right. I know it's a long story. But, what's my point? Come on. It's not that hard to clean up after yourself. You brought a bottle with you. Bring it back and properly dispose of it. If you pack it in, you pack it out. I understand that we might not always tread as lightly as we could, but you can at least not leave your trash lying around. I wonder if those same jerks who left those broken bottles there ever went back to that spot? Probably not, they might cut themselves on the glass.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Plastic Surgery Trends

Potential patients for plastic surgery come from every economic level and age range, suggests a study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Arlington Heights, Ill. Moreover, maintain researchers, motivations are personal, but not vanity oriented.

The study, which polled people considering plastic surgery within the next two years, found almost 30% reported average household incomes of less than $30,000. Forty-one percent had annual incomes of $31,000-60,000, and 16%, $61,000-90,000. Only 13% claimed salaries of more than $90,000 per year.

You may be noticing more wrinkles in the faces of the people you see. Though worries over the bad economy may be to blame for some of them, there could be another reason. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the number of Americans opting to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery fell to 6.6 million in 2002, down 12 percent from the year before.

Procedures that require people to go under the knife seem to have weathered the recession better than have the nonsurgical ones. In 2002, 1.6 million people opted to have a surgical procedure in the name of beauty, up 1 percent from the year before. Surgery is less likely to be an "impulse buy" than cosmetic procedures like chemical peels and therefore aren't as affected by recession-based decreases in impulse spending.

As plastic surgery has become a common cultural phenomenon, its critics have grown increasingly vocal. Some view it as radical conformity to artificial standards of beauty perpetuated by mass media, and its most strident opponents are particularly concerned that women have aesthetic operations more often than men and that even adolescent girls sometimes elect surgery. Nonetheless, each year more cosmetic procedures are performed than ever before, and many plastic surgery patients attest to the psychological benefits of feeling younger, thinner, and more attractive. Perhaps the most notable, if ambiguous, commentary on cosmetic surgery has been offered by the French performance artist Orlan, who explores standards of beauty by undergoing repeated plastic surgery.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Yeast Infection - The Warning Signs

It is often difficult to figure out when something is wrong enough to seek some kind of treatment. It is no different with yeast infections. A little redness here, a little itch there. When are you experiencing something just a little out of the ordinary, and when are you up against the actual signs of yeast infection?

Itchiness is probably the most common of the signs of yeast infection. Usually though, there are others. When women have vaginal yeast infections, they may feel pain during urination. They may experience painful sex. They will probably notice swelling of the vagina and the area surrounding it, and may feel burning and redness besides. There is a vaginal discharge that is one of the signs of yeast infection if women. It is thick and white. Some have said that it has the appearance of cottage cheese.

If a woman is having these signs of yeast infection, she should call her doctor. Symptoms of some STD's are similar. Chlamydia and gonorrhea both fall into this category. If she has yeast infections often, then and only then she should talk to her doctor about using over-the-counter medications.

A doctor can recognize signs of yeast infection that the woman herself cannot. He or she will look for swelling and discharge. A sample will also be taken to check under a microscope in a lab test that will determine once and for all if it is a yeast infection.

The signs of yeast infection in men are pretty straightforward. They will simply have a bit of redness, itching, and a sense of burning at the tip of their penis. They should also go to a doctor to rule out other causes.

In children, the signs of yeast infection are more difficult to ascertain. What may appear to be a simple diaper rash may well turn out to be a yeast infection. It can be distinguished from the usual diaper rash by looking at the rash itself. Are there many red, maybe pus-filled bumps? Is there a scaling pattern? It may be yeast infection. The rash may also be located in an unusual place, like the pubic area, the groin area, and the lower abdomen. Most important of all, if a diaper rash doesn't clear up in a few days, a child should be taken to see a doctor.

The signs of yeast infection seem to be easy to spot. However, they can be confused with symptoms of other diseases. When in doubt, call in the experts.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Pan Gold Nuggets - Dig Your Own Gold For Fun And Recreation

Sharp increases in the price of gold over recent years have brought a new breed of prospectors out into the hills. Interested in making their own strike of gold, they are also enjoying the recreation of being outdoors and good exercise. In the deserts, on the hillsides and in the mountain streams, there is still gold to be found in many places. Every year there are still great finds being made, mostly in the western states (at least as far as locations within the USA). Even large nuggets over an ounce in size are still being recovered – they are not all that common, but they are still found. Flakes and small chunks of gold are far more common finds. Its not easy, and not every day will be a home run, especially for the beginner. Patience is required and some days just have to be chalked up to the quest to gain knowledge and experience.

Placer gold means gold that is in the form of loose individual grains which have eroded out of the host rock in mountains and hills freeing it so that it can be recovered without further crushing of the host rock. This includes things such as gold flakes and nuggets. This is the type of gold that is of the greatest interest to individual prospectors. Placer gold has been mined from gravel deposits throughout the western US in many different types of environments, both forest and desert.

Many types of efficient placer gold recovery equipment are available for the individual. For the small operator, the choice is usually determined based on the environment he desires to prospect in, as well as his spending budget. In desert environments, dry washers and metal detectors are the chief choices. Other water conserving devices may also be a possibility. For those with access to water in a close to their placer deposits, options like sluice boxes and small-scale suction dredges can also be considered. The versatile gold pan gets used in almost all environments, although in dry environments one has to bring water and the tub to hold it in order to use the pan effectively.

The cost of prospecting equipment used by individual prospectors covers quite a range. Small plastic gold pan can be purchased for less than $10. Top-of-the-line metal detectors designed to find gold cost over $4000. A large suction dredge may cost up to $10,000. Other equipment covers all levels in between. It is not necessary for the new prospector to start with the most expensive items. It is both sensible and reasonable to start off small, purchase some books to learn about how to prospect and have his equipment grow with his knowledge and abilities. So my suggestion is to give it a try, start out small and see how you like it.

If you are new to prospecting for gold and just getting started, I have some suggestions for you. This is a great recreational pastime, and with some sincere effort, you will learn what you need to know and soon be out there digging some nice gold of your own.

First off, I'd suggest you join a prospecting club like GPAA (Gold Prospectors Association of America) or one of the other well-known regional/local clubs. Being part of a club that owns their own claims will give you access to places to prospect and a chance to talk about local places to look, regulations and what really works to get gold in your neck of the woods. These things are all really important to the new prospector trying to learn the ropes. It will also give you a chance to meet some folks with more experience in prospecting for gold. Attend the group outings and hang around with some of those more experienced guys. Most will willingly share information about how to find gold, and how they have found gold in the past. The friendships you will gain are worth far more than the cost of the membership dues. Even many experienced prospectors are members of more than one club, because of the friendships and prospecting opportunities they present. It's highly unlikely you will strike it rich, but if you work at it you will find some gold and have a lot of fun along the way.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Horizon nécessité…

Au loin le tonnerre grondait ; les éclairs illuminaient la nuit ;

Le groupe regardait sans crainte ; ces éclairs qui étaient leurs voisins ;

Ils devraient aller chasser autre part demain, les animaux fuient le tonnerre.

Entre-temps il cueillait des fruits, des feuilles.

Leur vie était assurée ; il y avait assez d'arbres à nourriture, assez de gibier, ils ne craignaient pas les panthères, ni les serpents, ni les phacochères aux crocs acérés.

L'eau était abondante. Si la sécheresse durait, ils prenaient l'eau des arbres, des racines.

Pourtant, dans le groupe, chaque matin, lorsque le soleil se levait, parfois un jeune, parfois un ancien, regardait, là où le soleil se lève.

Au crépuscule, ils regardaient là où le soleil se couche. Ils regardaient, mais leurs regards allaient plus loin que cela.

Dans la rivière, le poisson était bon ; pourtant ils regardaient l'eau qui venait du grand fleuve rugissant, l'eau qui partait là où le soleil se levait.

Ils avaient tout ce dont ils avaient besoin, sauf une chose, la réponse !!!

Qu'y a-t-il derrière l’horizon?

Alors un jour, un groupe d'hommes et de femmes partaient. Ils allaient au-delà de l'horizon, parfois ils s'arrêtaient et un nouveau feu était allumé.

Parfois ils ne s'arrêtaient que pour une nuit et la quête continuait.

Pourquoi ?

Pourquoi quitter les arbres à nourriture, les racines, l'eau, le gibier pour aller vers des soleils inconnus, des nuits sombres, des nuages difformes

Lorsque je travaillais en Afrique équatoriale, je m'émerveillais de voir ces femmes qui partaient pour des voyages à pieds, à travers pistes boueuses, riviéres grondantes au milieu des formidables et étranges cris de la forêt. Elles partaient avec un ou deux enfants, emportant un, deux, trois paniers. L'explication était qu'elles allaient vendre les produits à la ville voisine, l'explication était qu'elles allaient visiter leur mère africaine. Elles allaient voyager un jour, deux jours, trois jours, être arrêtées de si nombreuses fois par la police, par la gendarmerie, par les soldats, mais elles voyageaient.

Puis une semaine après elles revenaient, ramenant du savon, de la lessive, du sel, de l’huile de palme, du riz
Le prétexte était réel, le besoin mal exprimé, ce besoin qui pousse l'homme à aller chercher derrière l'horizon.

Plus tard, ailleurs... le vendredi soir, le samedi soir, je vois la meute des automobilistes qui se précipitent vers Casablanca, l’ogresse ou Marrakech la Rouge, Pourquoi ?

Je me suis complètement fourvoyé la dernière fois, je pensais à nos besoins fondamentaux, à ce qui nous fait vivre.

Nous vivons sous la loi d'un ordre et un seul : Vis !!!

Pour ce faire nous avons deux décrets d'applications :

La sexualité

Le pouvoir

Mais ce n'est pas vrai, il reste quelque chose d'inexpliqué :

Nous voulons, nous avons absolument besoin de bouger, d'aller derrière l'horizon

Bouger est un besoin fondamental : la prison, c'est comme si on coupait la langue des délinquants ou leurs jambes.

Alors, lorsqu'on arrive dans un hôpital, c'est une horreur lorsqu'on vous dit :

« Voici votre lit ».

L'hôpital veut vous traiter comme une pièce sur une chaîne de montage en flux pas très tendu. La pièce à traiter doit être posée à un endroit précis pour qu'on puisse la retrouver rapidement ; le lit est aussi une manière de déshumaniser le malade ; dans toute sa vie, ce malade n'aura jamais reçu ses amis, ses connaissances dans un lit, cela aurait été la honte, et voilà qu'il doit vivre dans un lit.

Bouger ; Je ne crois pas que je pourrais oublier ; j’ai visité des établissements hospitaliers comme on dit... Je me vois marchant dans un hôpital, passant d'un Service à l'Autre, puis arrivant devant une porte, une porte avec une petite fenêtre grillagée, et derrière, ces visages de femmes, parfois âgées, collées contre la fenêtre, les mains à plat contre la vitre.

Ces dames venaient jusqu'à la porte, secouaient la poignée, regardaient étonnées, repartaient pour la promenade dans les couloirs de l'Hôpital, revenaient à la porte, secouaient la poignée, ne comprenaient pas…

Lorsqu'on vous refuse le droit de bouger, on vous appelle un « prisonnier ».

Un prisonnier, c'est quelqu'un qui attend, soit que la porte de la prison s'ouvre, soit que la porte de la cellule s'ouvre…pour aller vers l’horizon…se retrouver ailleurs que là où il est…une nécessité…