The body, blood, skin, organs, bones, mucous, phlegm, water, etc. construct up and interruption down, largely according to the food, foods provided. Edema is the accretion of unstable in the soft tissues. It can happen anywhere in the body: head, arms, legs, etc and is generally caused by mediocre diet and or weak digestion. Edema is more than common in women than in men.
The organic construction digests, transforms food, foods into blood, into structure into function, into wellness or disease. There are only two sorts of nutrients: edifice and cleansing. Building foods (protein and fat) construct and combustible all construction and function. Cleaning foods (water, minerals, sugar, etc.) reduce, cleanse, cool and moisten.
The right amount of edifice and cleaning produced the right amount of blood, construction and function, where the organic structure head can thrive. The wrong weaken, sicken and hurting via too much or too little.
Water in the organic structure constructs up and interruptions down. It is derived largely from nutrient and fluids. All nutrients are mostly water, some more than than others. Fruits, veggies and grains are more than watery than meat, eggs, cheese, beans, etc. Inch excess, too many fruits, veggies and juices, drinks, in excess, or at the beginning of the meal, be given to thin and weaken digestion, acid and enzymes, decreasing digestion and absorption, while increasing waste. Whatever food, foods not digested, absorbed go waste.
Weak digestion burns, metabolizes less water, fat, sugar, etc. It also be givens to chill the body, causing extra condensation (water, phlegm, mucous, etc.) to occur. Cold condenses, In nature, cold temperature cause condensation, rainfall to occur. It can also harden rain, H2O into snowfall and ice.
The digestive system is like the engine of a car. It not only energizes, powerfulnesses the auto but also heats. Digestion throws off a batch of heat energy that not only warms the body, but also incorporates and or dissipates extra fluids.
Weak digestion Burns less fluids while creating more.
Low protein, low fat (especially milk, yogurt, beans, nuts and seeds) and high saccharide (grains, pasta, bread, salads, natural vegetables, fruit, especially tropical, juices, etc.) diets, in the extreme, be given to thin and weaken digestion, and in the extreme, cause edema.
Edema tendencies to assail women more than than men, as many women be given to eat low protein, low fat and high saccharide diets. They also be given to menstruate. Menstruation, blood loss be givens to weaken all function, including digestion and organic structure temperature.
The right manner of eating, repast plan, 2-3 modern times per day, preferably breakfast and luncheon is:
1/3 Protein and fat (red meat, eggs, chicken, turkey, beans, etc.)
1/3 Grain (rice, noodles, bread, etc.)
1/3 Vegetables, cooked (3-5), cabbage, broccoli, onions, kale, celery, carrots with tops, etc.) Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, aubergine and natural vegetables, salads; fruit (1) avoid tropical and semifinal tropical
Spices (cardamon, cumin, coriander, fennel, turmeric, ginger, cayenne, etc.)
Over overeating as it weakens digestion.
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