Friday, June 8, 2007

Talk To Your Doctor About Female Sexual Dysfunction - Post Hysterectomy

If you find yourself distressed and concerned about your sexuality, its important to schedule an appointment with your physician. While sexuality may not be an easy topic of discussion, its very important. Share your struggle with your physician. Without your persistance there can be no treatment.

Below are some ideas to consider as you prepare for that appointment:

Educate yourself.

Read books and articles to better understand what to ask your doctor.

Initiate conversation.

Don't expect your doctor to specifically ask about your concern.

Take a helpful article.

"I was reading this book/article and wondered what you thought about it."

Prepare a discussion starter.

"I was hoping that you might be able to help me with this problem I am having."

Acknowledge the subject.

Discussing sex can be embarrassing or uncomfortable but you need medical direction for treatment.

Be specific.

Be sure and use an accurate description of the problem and appropriate vocabulary.


"If you can't help me with this, who would you recommend?"

Share information.

If you've heard of a potential treatment, provide the information to your doctor. This is especially helpful if the information is based on research and already accepted in the medical community.

Bring your spouse or a friend.

Sometimes it might help you to bring someone with you to your appointment. It can possibly help to provide support for you.

Ask for additional time.

If you find the doctor doesn't seem to have adequate time for a discussion, ask for additional time. Or ask if you need to make another appointment for a longer time slot.

After your appointment.

If you are unsatisfied with the discussion with your doctor, don't stop there. This will take effort on your part. Don't give up!

Keep Looking.

Look for a physician who will listen if you are not satisfied with the discussion during your appointment

Ask for physician referrals.

Friends and family may have referrals for you to consider. Especially keep an ear out for friends who may struggle from similar concerns.

"Interview" several/many doctors.

It may take you several doctor appointments before you find the physician that you feel most comfortable and is most helpful.

1 comment:

HERS Foundation said...

Before signing a Hysterectomy Consent Form every woman should view the video "Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs" at