If you suspect you are suffering from a vaginal bacterial infection, the first thing you should do is to consult your doctor. There are multiple reasons for doing this but the principal is that you will be able to know for sure that what you have is vaginal bacterial infection and no other medical condition.
Most of the time, a vaginal bacterial infection is nothing more than a simple yeast infection. But by making sure that you suffer from a vaginal bacterial infection you will then be able to determine what the proper treatment for it is. On top of that, doing a check up will help you prevent possible recurrence of this particular condition.
The various symptoms of vaginal bacterial infections are uncomfortable; the itching alone will have you looking for a treatment in no time and that not counting the burning sensation. On top of that you might experience vaginal discharge that take the form of cottage-cheese like and comes with an unpleasant acrid smell.
If you are suffering from your first vaginal bacterial infection you might want to be aware that it wont go on it's own with time, you will need to get it treated. Another point to consider is to abstain from having sexual relation until your vaginal bacterial infection clears up. This will prevent you from infecting your partner.
If you find yourself unable to abstain from sexual relation, you should at least practice safe sex and use condoms. This is not a fool proof method but at least it will diminish the chances of transmittance of you vaginal bacterial infection to your sexual partner.
You should be aware that most women can experience recurring vaginal bacterial infections. You might be able to cure your infection but you can get infected again. You should always be aware of that possibility.
Some of the things you can do to prevent that would be to change your dietary habits. You could try to be as stress free as possible (not easy I know). Those two factors alone can go a long way in helping you fight against vaginal bacterial infection. Theses minor changes alone will give your immune system better chances to fight any further infections.
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