Friday, June 29, 2007

Lotions For Stretch Marks - Does It Really Help?

Do lotions and creams for stretch mark treatment actually useful? Useful yes but can never completely remove those ugly scars. Remember that stretch marks appear due to a tear in the inner layer i.e. the dermis layer of the skin, any cream or lotion reaching so far inside is actually impossible so forget the false notion that lotions and creams will enable your pregnancy stretch marks to be removed.

Efficacy Of Lotions And Creams

Lotion or cream for pregnancy stretch marks will definitely minimize them and make them barely visible. This is possible because the lotions have compounds, which replenish the skin's lost natural oils. Lotions with compounds like Trenetoin and Retin A have proved to be beneficial but are not good for pregnant women. Lotions add to general skin health and they have been useful in minimizing stretch marks.

Cocoa butter is the most famous of the lot but may have allergic reactions on some people so it is wise to do a sensitivity test before use. Some creams and lotions contain steroids such as hydrocortisone should be discontinued and strictly avoided. Check thoroughly the cream or lotion being marketed. The ingredients should be effective enough not just to hide the scars but also to help in producing regenerated skin. There are several companies offering creams and lotions with lots of testimonials and a guarantee that you may return it if not satisfied. If you are convinced, try it after checking with your health specialist. It is better to use creams or lotions after pregnancy to avoid any side effects on your baby.

Other Options

Laser treatment for stretch marks as of now is believed to be a permanent cure for stretch marks since it destroys the scarred tissue and automatically new tissue replaces the area, though it may or may not work on the kind of stretch marks you have. Nothing is assured, you may try it but it is a very costly affair and failure may really put you down.

Lotions for stretch marks are a good thing to try since they are not very costly as compared to laser. Even laser cannot guarantee 100% removal; to be honest; we still have not devised a method of complete removal of stretch marks. They do not have side effects and may be used in the coziness of your home. Creams tend to moisturize the area so that the damage to collagen is less noticeable.

You may use lotions with Vitamin E to improve skin tone as well as those that have alpha hydroxyls so that collagen production is stimulated in that area.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Herbs To Avoid During Pregnancy

Striving to do the best for the developing baby, many pregnant women choose a more natural approach during pregnancy, which might also include the use of herbal remedies for various ailments. The thinking is that, since herbs are natural, they are healthier. Normally they are, but some herbs are very potent and should be severely limited, or completely avoided, during pregnancy.

Throughout your pregnancy, you should be very aware of everything that you ingest, whether food or medicine. You know that you should practice healthy eating habits during pregnancy. This includes getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lots of fluids, and extra protein. You know that you should avoid villains like drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and artificial sweeteners; but to avoid herbs just doesn't seem natural. Remember, herbs are a drug and, as with any medicine, should be used with extreme caution during this time. While herbal remedies are considered natural alternatives to conventional drugs, they can also be harmful when taken during pregnancy. Many herbs contain natural steroids that can affect your baby's development during pregnancy and even when nursing. Others are mildly toxic, and some can be strong uterine stimulants, promote menstruation, or cause premature contractions. Those containing high quantities of volatile oils, or alkaloids, can affect your, or your baby's central nervous system. Harsh bitters, can strongly stimulate digestion and metabolism, and strong laxatives can trigger uterine contractions.

As with all medications, you should avoid taking any herb during the first trimester and use only minimal amounts for short periods of time thereafter, and then only when needed. Culinary herbs (basil, oregano, etc.) usually are safe in the small amounts used in cooking, but not in the larger doses used for teas. External use of herbs, such as aloe vera, usually presents no problem.


Alkaloids are the most potent of all plant constituents, They produce a wide range of pharmacological effects. It is best to avoid them all, especially the following:
Autumn crocus, Barberry, Blood root, Borage, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Ginseng, Golden Seal, Lobelia, Ma Huang, Mandrake


These herbs may have an effect on smooth muscle of the uterus and/or act as emmenagogues. All strong bitters should be avoided during pregnancy, especially the following:
Angelica, Barberry, Buckbean, Celandine, Feverfew, Gentian, Golden Seal, Mugwort, Rue, Southernwood, Tansy, Wormwood


Essential oils should never be taken internally, especially during pregnancy when they can have a devastating impact on the placenta and fetus. The whole plant that the oil was distilled from will occasionally be fine if used in moderation. However, many should be avoided, especially the following:
Hyssop, Juniper, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Sage, Thyme, Yarrow, Wild Celery


The strong herbal laxatives are often caused by the presence of anthraquinones that stimulate the colon, and may have a similar impact upon the uterus. Avoid especially the following:
Aloe, Alder Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Purging Buckthorn, Senna


There are other herbs which should be avoided during pregnancy, such as:
Anise, Artichoke, Bearberry, Barley Grass, Basil, Bayberry, Bethroot, Black Cohosh, Blessed Thistle, Bloodroot, Blue Cohosh, Buchu, Bugleweed, Butternut, California Poppy, Caraway, Carrot seed, Catnip, Cayenne, Celery seed, Chapparal, Chervil, Chinese Angelica, Cotton root, Damiana, Devils Claw, Dogwood, Ephedra, Evening Primrose, False Unicorn root, Fennel, Fenugreek, Ginger, Hermandia, Hops, Horehound, Horseradish, Horsetail, Hyptis, Hyssop, Juniper, Kelp, Kola Nut, Lady's Mantle, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Licorice, Liferoot, Lovage, Lungwort, Mace, Male Fern, Marjoram, Mayapple, Melilot, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Mountain Mint, Neem, Oregon Grape Root, Osha, Pasqueflower, Peppermint, Peruvian Bark, Pleurisy root, Poke Root, Potato skins, Queen Annes Lace, Rhubarb, Rosemary, Saffron, Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Savory, Saw Palmetto, Scotch Broom, Shepherds Purse, Soy, Spikenard, Sumac berries, Tarragon, Thuji, Trillium, Turmeric, Uva Ursi, Vervain, Watercress, Wild Cherry, Wild Yam, Wood Betony, Yarrow, Yellow Cedar, Yellow Dock, Yohimbe

Important Note: This is only a partial list of the herbs which may be unhealthy during pregnancy. Consult your doctor before taking any herb for medicinal purposes. Consult an herbal practitioner or homeopathic doctor if you have questions about a specific herb.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Menopause - Unveiling The Mysteries Of Hot Flashes

Hot flashes – whenever younger women hear this word, the image of a nervous wrecked middle-aged woman sweating profusely comes to their minds. This undoubtedly makes them dread the onset of menopause even worse!

Hot flashes, along with night sweating and vaginal dryness, can be considered as the only real symptoms associated with menopause. It is sad to note that at least 4 out of every 5 women in most western countries inevitably suffer from these symptoms as they enter their menopausal years. It is interesting to know, however, that there are some cultures around the world where women are not bothered as much by hot flashes. Several anthropological studies show that the Japanese, Chinese and Mexican women are spared largely from these discomforting symptoms.

Understanding Hot Flashes

During menopause, women become more sensitive to temperature changes. So, during a hot flash episode, you may feel that your face, upper body or whole body becomes very warm and flushed. You will feel the need to cool yourself down by shedding off your coat or sweaters and fanning yourself as your skin temperature increases by about 7 to 8oF. You may experience a little or profuse sweating as your body tries to cool you down. Your heart rate also goes up and you may feel a little dizzy or breathless during the episode. All of these may last anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes but can sometimes last longer. After a hot flash episode, your body temperature will fall a little. You may even feel cold as your sweat evaporates.

Studies show that hot flashes are most common in the late afternoon, early evening and in the middle of the night. Hot flashes can bring on more serious complications when it bothers you as you sleep soundly during the night since it can lead to fatigue and difficulty in concentrating during the day. Fortunately, these symptoms do not last long and a normal sleeping pattern is usually restored as the body becomes more accustomed to its decreasing hormonal levels.

To prevent sleeping problems, follow these simple tips and you can be sure that you'll sleep like a baby throughout the night!

•Adopt a regular exercise routine

•Take a warm bath or a shower before you retire for the night.

•Avoid taking alcohol or caffeine during dinner

•Drink your milk or eat some yogurt before going to sleep

•If you don't eat or drink dairy products, try eating a banana or other carbohydrate-rich foods before going to bed.

What Causes Hot Flashes?

Estrogen is one of the hormones that help the skin's blood vessels to expand and contract as a reaction to changes in the temperature. During menopause, the body's estrogen level greatly decreases. This consequently diminishes the woman's control over her internal temperature and leads to hot flashes and profuse sweating to keep the body temperature well within its normal limits. Among the most common triggers that bring on hot flashes are emotional upset, stress, alcohol, caffeine, hot meals, hot drinks, hot weather, a warm room and/or a warm bed.

Menopause, even with its discomforting symptoms, should not be viewed negatively. Just live a healthier lifestyle and avoid the most common triggers that aggravate these symptoms and you can be sure of a smoother transition to the second half of your life!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tips For Your Vaginal Bacterial Infection

If you suspect you are suffering from a vaginal bacterial infection, the first thing you should do is to consult your doctor. There are multiple reasons for doing this but the principal is that you will be able to know for sure that what you have is vaginal bacterial infection and no other medical condition.

Most of the time, a vaginal bacterial infection is nothing more than a simple yeast infection. But by making sure that you suffer from a vaginal bacterial infection you will then be able to determine what the proper treatment for it is. On top of that, doing a check up will help you prevent possible recurrence of this particular condition.

The various symptoms of vaginal bacterial infections are uncomfortable; the itching alone will have you looking for a treatment in no time and that not counting the burning sensation. On top of that you might experience vaginal discharge that take the form of cottage-cheese like and comes with an unpleasant acrid smell.

If you are suffering from your first vaginal bacterial infection you might want to be aware that it wont go on it's own with time, you will need to get it treated. Another point to consider is to abstain from having sexual relation until your vaginal bacterial infection clears up. This will prevent you from infecting your partner.

If you find yourself unable to abstain from sexual relation, you should at least practice safe sex and use condoms. This is not a fool proof method but at least it will diminish the chances of transmittance of you vaginal bacterial infection to your sexual partner.

You should be aware that most women can experience recurring vaginal bacterial infections. You might be able to cure your infection but you can get infected again. You should always be aware of that possibility.

Some of the things you can do to prevent that would be to change your dietary habits. You could try to be as stress free as possible (not easy I know). Those two factors alone can go a long way in helping you fight against vaginal bacterial infection. Theses minor changes alone will give your immune system better chances to fight any further infections.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Great Gifts For A Camping Enthusiast

Camp out as luxuriously as you want! There are definitely some great camping accessories out there perfect to make your outdoor trip even more comfortable and enjoyable for you. There are lanterns, recreational vehicles, safety fire pits, inflatable mattresses, excellent tents and much, much more available for you on the market today. So you should definitely check out the merchandise you will certainly grow to love – or perhaps for someone else to enjoy.

Many different kinds of camping gear such as the above mentioned and more are being constantly improved upon. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to decide what kinds of accessories and / or camping gear to purchase. Consumer reports, as well as recommendations from camping enthusiasts and / or camping gear professionals will be incredibly helpful if you are hesitant to purchase a certain product. Nonetheless, there are very many camping accessories and different types of camping gear available that can soften your outdoor experience. The amount of comfort and tranquility someone feels when he or she is camping – the more he or she will be able to relax and take in the benefits of their vacation overall.

For example: the addition of a cottonwood shade shelter to your campsite may be a great way to go – and a perfect gift for the camping enthusiast in our life! You can find excellent shade shelters of redwood, cottonwood, and more with high quality construction so they will last and last for you. These shade shelters are perfect for many uses. They, of course, block the sunlight, while letting the breeze and the fragrance of the outdoors wander in to soothe you. Post shade shelters are simple to set up on the beach, perfect for "lying out" in the sunny weather without causing as much risk to your skin. Mostly these shelters are encased in a canvas, transparent on each side, and often netted or screen-like zipper flaps to keep bugs out. As a matter of fact, shade shelters are perfect for keeping your food cooler and, more importantly, to keep the bugs away when you plan to picnic.

As we move on to the topic of camping outdoor meals, cook sets for campers are another great gift idea. Or perhaps you will want a camp cook set for your self as well. Some cooking sets come with more than one pot – which comes in handy if you need to cook for a larger group, as well as a good-sized frying pan for your convenience. These are available in Teflon – perfect for a long lasting camper's cook set. And, of course, these can even be used in your home.

Knife and axe combination tools are very important, because there may be times when you need a knife for some thing or another and an axe is not exactly the best substitution. Well, there are great blades for all your camping purposes available on the market right now. Look around at the selections available to you and decide what kind of knifes, pocket lock contraptions, or axes will be most essential and, more importantly, most effective when you need them.

As well as outdoors at your own home, you will want mosquito repellent for your body – and for the area in which you congregate on your campsite. Outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds, campers everywhere will love the new camping lanterns being created to keep away mosquitoes and other pests. These lanterns, along with bringing a beautiful, soft and absolutely elegant light to the ambiance, will emit a repellent that is definitely safe for you and that will, most importantly, effectively keep insects at a distance. These lanterns, like shades and other kinds of open sheltered areas, are available to make you feel more comfortable, less annoyed by the pesky wildlife with which we must share the outdoors.

There are even portable toilets available on the market for the camping enthusiast ho does not much appreciate the stench of campsite latrines. These are amazingly designed with clamps and latches to hold the seats in place and are actually very popular among many branches of the military because of their convenience. Multi-tool kits are also wonderful items to consider when you are camping. Especially people who really prefer "roughing it" are people very appreciative of the proper camping tools help them survive. A gift of great camping tools including LED lights and headlamps etc. for anyone to get the most out of their camping trip.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Naturally Losing Weight After Delivering Baby

Women usually become fatter when they are pregnant. The bodyweight increase usually from 10 to 20 kilograms or even more when they deliver babies, they only lose about 5 to 7 kgs. So, still about 5 to 15 kgs, to lose.

But they don't have to be worried about it. This is natural, and there is also a natural way to be slim again after the baby born. Do breast feeding is an easy way to be slim.

Nowadays, WHO is recommended exclusive breast-feeding for six month, after that, you can give the baby additional food. You don't need to reduce your amount of food when dining during breast feeding. Instead, you should eat nourished food for the health of your baby, and it's amazing, you may eat much more than ever before, even than in pregnancy, but you're still losing your weight!

A good breast feeding may lose your weight 1 to 2 kgs per month. So, in six month, you may lose 12 kgs. Wow, you might be slimmer compare with you before become pregnant.

There are many myths about breast feeding, and mothers should ignore these. Breast feeding is not usually painful, and you do not have to worry about that if you are hesitating because of it. In fact, as I said, breast feeding makes you healthier.

Contact your medical doctor to clear any doubt you have. It always pays to be well informed, and breast feeding is so important that you definitely should not be ignorant about it. (be beauty!)
copyright @ any safarodiyah, M.D.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Talk To Your Doctor About Female Sexual Dysfunction - Post Hysterectomy

If you find yourself distressed and concerned about your sexuality, its important to schedule an appointment with your physician. While sexuality may not be an easy topic of discussion, its very important. Share your struggle with your physician. Without your persistance there can be no treatment.

Below are some ideas to consider as you prepare for that appointment:

Educate yourself.

Read books and articles to better understand what to ask your doctor.

Initiate conversation.

Don't expect your doctor to specifically ask about your concern.

Take a helpful article.

"I was reading this book/article and wondered what you thought about it."

Prepare a discussion starter.

"I was hoping that you might be able to help me with this problem I am having."

Acknowledge the subject.

Discussing sex can be embarrassing or uncomfortable but you need medical direction for treatment.

Be specific.

Be sure and use an accurate description of the problem and appropriate vocabulary.


"If you can't help me with this, who would you recommend?"

Share information.

If you've heard of a potential treatment, provide the information to your doctor. This is especially helpful if the information is based on research and already accepted in the medical community.

Bring your spouse or a friend.

Sometimes it might help you to bring someone with you to your appointment. It can possibly help to provide support for you.

Ask for additional time.

If you find the doctor doesn't seem to have adequate time for a discussion, ask for additional time. Or ask if you need to make another appointment for a longer time slot.

After your appointment.

If you are unsatisfied with the discussion with your doctor, don't stop there. This will take effort on your part. Don't give up!

Keep Looking.

Look for a physician who will listen if you are not satisfied with the discussion during your appointment

Ask for physician referrals.

Friends and family may have referrals for you to consider. Especially keep an ear out for friends who may struggle from similar concerns.

"Interview" several/many doctors.

It may take you several doctor appointments before you find the physician that you feel most comfortable and is most helpful.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Natural Health Remedies for Menopause

Menopause is a physical and psychological discomfort ranging from hot flashes, vaginal dryness, aches and pains to mood swings, anxiety and insomnia. Menopause affects every woman between the ages of 45 and 55. Fortunately, alternative medicine and natural health remedies for menopause have been proven very effective to correct the hormonal-imbalances and to relieve the discomforts of menopause.

Some preventative steps and natural health remedies for menopause help you deal with your menopause naturally and easily by balancing, regulating, and normalizing the menstrual system.

1. Plants, herbs and products that contain natural estrogens called phytoestrogens compounds are established natural health remedies for menopause. These help to minimize many menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations, vaginal dryness, moodiness, anxiety, irritability and other problems. A number of studies have demonstrated the benefits obtained with phytoestrogens, if used carefully.

2. Most soybean products (such as soy milk, tofu, tempeh, fermented soybean paste--miso and roasted soy nuts as well as the beans), Oregon grape, alfalfa, red clover (brand name Promensil) and dandelion are rich in phytoestrogens. Lignans, found in flaxseed, whole grains, legumes, and some vegetables are also high in phytoestrogens and omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Various studies have shown that Vitamins A and E along with bioflavonoids, Aloe Vera, melons, apricots, Hawthorn berries, elderberries, bilberries, Chasteberry (also known as Vitex agnus castus, hazelnuts, almonds, sweet potato, avocado and calendula are especially helpful to manage your early menopause and to relieve the discomforts during the transition to menopause. These are all natural health remedies and are readily available.

4. Also found easily are natural health remedies such as vegetables containing vitamin C and bioflavonoids. These include broccoli, beet greens, peppers, salad greens and parsley and all can help relieve hot flashes and counteract vaginal dryness.

5. St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), Chinese angelica (dong quai) and kava kava herb, all natural health remedies, have been used traditionally as a natural tranquilizer to effectively facilitate the transition to and through menopause.

6. Extract of an herb black cohosh (scientific name--Cimicifuga racemosa and also known as black snakeroot, bugbane, bugwort, rattleroot, rattletop, rattleweed, and macrotys) has been one of the proven natural health remedies for menopause to be shown as quite effective especially for hot flashes in a very safe manner.

7. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid that is used to combat menopausal symptoms. Evening primrose, borage, and currant seed oil are good sources of GLA.

Natural health remedies for menopause are an amazing blending of tradition and science that have much to offer as effective treatments for easing the transition to and through menopause.

This article is intended to provide assistance and information to people who are interested in learning more about natural remedies. It should not be used as a basis for any form of diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition. Always seek professional medical advice.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Coping With Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is a condition that affects millions of people: women, men, and even children. Yeast infection is a very annoying condition especially for women who are commonly infected by this disease. The most common form is found in a woman (female yeast infection), particularly vaginal yeast infection.


Symptoms include the following: Itching and burning in the vagina and around the vulva (the skin that surrounds your vagina). A white vaginal discharge is present that may look like cottage cheese. Pain during sexual intercourse. Swelling of the vulva. Yeast infections are so common that 3/4 of women will have one at some time in their lives. Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are more likely to occur during the week before a menstrual period. The most common symptoms of the female yeast infection involve pain and discomfort when performing normal bodily functions. There can also be a wide spectrum of symptoms of some food sensitivity. Skin problems like ringworm, gastro-intestinal problems, lethargy, headache, breathing difficulties and mood swings are not uncommon.


Herbal tea remedies and many more recipes made from nature's plants are available. Natural home remedies are more permanent than other conventional treatments A yeast infection can be just an unpleasant memory if you use one of these natural home remedies. Natural remedies are a great alternative to traditional medicines and in many cases work twice as good and they won't drain your wallet. Treating a male yeast infection is exactly the same as a female yeast infection and you can either get over the counter medication such as diflucan or you can use one of the many home remedies that are available. Home remedies for yeast infection includes daubing apple cider vinegar and using garlic. People who have tried one of these remedies and found comfort may say this is the best yeast infection remedy for them but there are cases that the infection keeps coming back. You will also need to understand that the dosages of these over the counter remedies to your yeast infection can lead to some side effects.


Oral Thrush- painless white patches in the mouth or throat . Painful swallowing. Oral antifungal medication can cause side effects such as headache, nausea, and abdominal pain; vaginal treatment is unlikely to cause side effects. Conventional over the counter medication is available as fluconazole (Diflucan) 150 mg. Avoid frequent or prolonged use of oral antibiotics if possible. Good oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing as well as using an antiseptic mouthwash, is a must. This is mainly because oral medication affects the entire body, and vaginal treatment limits its effect to the genital area.


While a yeast infection is certainly not a pleasant experience, there's no need to spend too much time worrying. The reason your yeast infection isn't being cured can be one of two reasons. You could have another vaginal bacterial infection. The other reason your treatment is not curing your yeast infection is that you have candidiasis of the intestines. Having a yeast infection is part of most women's lives at some point or another. Although the presence of this infection is present in the majority of sexually active women, there is no evidence to substantiate that a female yeast infection is passed through sexual intercourse. So now that we know that everyone can get a yeast infection practically anywhere, it's important to take action.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park - South Africa

The uKhahlamba – Drakensberg Park, a World Heritage Site, has exceptional natural beauty in its soaring basaltic buttresses, incisive dramatic cutbacks, and golden sandstone ramparts. Managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife the Park is only 2 hours from Durban and four from Gauteng.

The Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park has an average altitude of 3000 m - the highest range south of Kilimanjaro - and spans 150kms over 243 000 ha of land. Rolling high altitude grasslands, the pristine steep-sided river valleys and rocky gorges also contribute to the beauty of the world heritage site. The uKhahlamba – Drakensberg Park's diversity of habitats protects a high level of endemic and globally threatened species, especially birds and plants.

This spectacular natural site also contains many caves and rock-shelters with the largest and most concentrated group of paintings in Africa south of the Sahara, made by the San people over a period of 4,000 years. The rock paintings are outstanding in quality and diversity of subject and in their depiction of animals and human beings. They represent the spiritual life of the San people who no longer live in this region.


A wealth of recreational opportunities exist. There are magnificently laid out day walks from all the major camps, the self-guided Giants Cup Hiking Trail and a fabulous wealth of rock art sites to rival any in the world. From peacefully fly fishing in a river or dam, experiences extend to the rigours of rock-climbing or mountain biking for those with a taste for the high adventures of life.

A host of other pastimes includes hiking, birdwatching, swimming, riding, photography, painting or simply revelling in the clear mountain air while you take in the breathtaking vistas around you.


Accommodation options in the park all managed by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlif are diverse. These range from Giants Castle, Injisuthi, Cathedral Peak, Kamberg, Royal Natal National Park, Lotheni and Didima.

A variety of accommoddation options in private hotels and lodges are available outside the park in the Northern, Central and Southern Drakensberg Areas.


The Drakensberg is rich in cultural heritage. It is home to 35% of South Africa's San rock art sites. In South Africa the San inhabited the Drakensberg from the late Stone Age times until the late nineteenth century.

They left some of the finest examples of rock art in the world. Guided Walks to some rock art shelters can be booked at Giants Castle, Injisuthi, Cathedral Peak and Royal Natal. There is a rock art centre at Kamberg with guided walks to Game Pass shelter and a magnificent San rock art centre at the Didima Camp at Cathedral Peak.


The Drakensberg has a diverse population of birds, mammals and reptiles. The more common larger mammals that can be found are mountain reedbuck, grey rhebuck, grey duiker, eland, klipspringer, bushbuck and oribi. The main predators in the Drakensberg are leopard, black-backed jackal, caracal, serval, clawless and spotted neck otter, various species of mongoose and genet.

Troops of chacma baboons, porcupines and colonies of rock hyrax are also found throughout this mountain park.

The Drakensberg is home to over 300 species of birds. Thirty two of the species are endemic to Southern Africa. Some of the specials that can be found are wattled crane, cape vulture, bearded vulture, orange breasted rockjumper and yellow breasted pipit.